
NJ Replacement Windows – Markey LLC

6 Questions to Ask Your Middlesex County Window Contractor

So you’re looking for the right contractor, but you won’t trust your home to just anyone. Good Middlesex County window contractors could be difficult to find, but when you ask these six questions, you can be assured you are getting the best window contractors for the job.

Is your company Licensed?

One of the biggest things you need to know when searching for contractors is if a company is legitimate. The state of New Jersey requires home improvement contractors to have a license, so you should make sure the company has the proper credentials and coverage. Ask how long they have worked in the business and make sure they have taken all the steps of legal coverage.

Do you have any references?

The best way to know if you can trust a company, is through previous references. It’s best to hear from people who the company has previously worked with, and the more positive reviews, the better. Markey LLC has had thousands of satisfied customers, which continue to refer us to their neighbors and friends. Select a contractor that can provide many references, as it’s easier to trust previous customers than the company’s own word. If a company wants to prove its worth, it will do it through references.

Do you have your own crew?

Subcontractors can make your window installation process more complicated. Finding a company with its own crew assures a quality team, and you can know exactly who you’re working with. Markey LLC has its own factory certified employees that have given our company the great reputation that it has. Make sure that the company takes pride in its contractors to assure that your home gets the attention it needs.

Do you have examples of previous work?

Not only do you want to hear from previous customers, but you want to see what work your window contractor has produced. Ask for previous samples of projects to know if their styles match your vision. Ask for before and after pictures to see how the windows were improved. Ask which features they included, such as the paint and interior finishing. See the ranges of different styles of projects they have done. The more options they have, the better chance you have of selecting the perfect set of windows for your home.

How long will the project take?

From ordering to installation, you want to know how long the project will take. This project will be a part of your every day life for some time, and you want as little hassle as possible. If you select contractors you can trust, you’ll feel more comfortable allowing them to be a part of your life to make your home better. Get details of how long each stage will take so you can plan accordingly.

What type of warranty do you offer?

If the company is trustworthy, your contractor should have a warranty that they stand behind. Most warranties should last about a year, but it’s more important to know your window contractor is trustworthy and takes pride in producing the work it does, and fixes any mistakes it makes. Customer referrals should tell you how the contractors handled difficult situations. The near term warranty is more important than the long term, so that any problems that may arise during or shortly after the project will be covered. A reputable company will handle this ethically, because it helps both you and their business.

Find Your Window Contractor With Us

Markey LLC has provided reliable Middlesex County window contractors for over two decades. Our customers are so happy, we can save on advertising costs using customer referrals. If you are looking for a trustworthy window contractor in Middlesex County, we can help you get the service you need. Take advantage of our energy efficient glass and frames, our outstanding weather stripping, and our trustworthy contractors today. Visit our website or call 908-722-8958 to find out more.

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