
NJ Replacement Windows – Markey LLC

What You Need To Know

We can all understand the importance of having a home, somewhere safe where we can rest our heads at night, but what is the good in a house without a quality roof over top? Although home is where the heart is, a house is only as good as the cover and safety it provides. Which is why as a homeowner you need to be sure to take the necessary precautions to be sure that your roof is in good condition and can outlive any storm you might face. So, for you Hunterdon County roofing needs here are 3 tips to maintaining your roof.


One of the most vital things is to make sure you keep up with regular maintenance, such as making sure you keep it clean. Be sure to routinely clean out your gutter systems as well as keep an eye on the shingles to make sure they are all in place and without damage. You will want to clear any debris to keep all systems clear and working to their best capacity. To prevent too much from clogging your gutters and drain pipes you may want to consider trimming back the trees and greenery above and close to your drainage systems. You also want to make sure that if you have any other aspects to your roof such as skylights, and chimneys that they are cleaned and well sealed, and have proper ventilation.  Spotting any issues early could save your from a big and expensive ordeal down the line.


If you are to spot something out of place or damaged on your roof, you never want to put off repairing the issue. To repair it when you see it could save you a lot of time, money, and unwanted stress. You will want to be sure to repair and replace and broken or missing shingles. You will want to be sure to also replace any damaged valley flashing along your roofing, to be sure to avoid any water damage and leaking. Last but not least, always make sure to check if your downspouts are hanging properly and connected as they need to be for proper drainage. It is always best to contact a trained contractor to handle your repairs and roofing needs.

Keep A Record

One of if not the most important thing you can do when taking care of your home is to keep records of the maintenance and repairs you have done. When inspecting your roof you should be keeping records of everything you notice, whether it is a potential problem, or an obvious issue that needs to be dealt with. When coming face to face with these different issues, keeping a log of both what you see as well as the repairs and how you went about the repairs, the materials and costs put into them as well. This log will not only be good records if you ever decide to sell your home and need to prove the upkeep to the new homeowners, as well as protecting yourself in case of any issues with contractors. As well as a written record you want to be sure to also keep photographic proof. So if you ever need to show or remember the work that you have had done you will have it all at the ready. A roof that is kept up with and well taken care of is the recipe for a safe and well protected home where you and your family will be able to rest their heads, warm and dry. Be sure when you run into any roofing problems to find the best Hunterdon County Roofing Company available to you!