
NJ Replacement Windows – Markey LLC

Weatherstripping Your South Brunswick Replacement Windows

During this freezing and crazy weather this year, have you noticed your home is a little draftier than normal? While Markey LLC wants to provide you with all your South Brunswick replacement window needs, sometimes you don’t need your windows replaced yet, and you just need a patch job. Weatherstripping your windows can protect your home from the ice, snow, rain, and wind this winter season.

What is Weatherstripping?

Weatherstripping fills up any spaces surrounding your windows to keep the cold air out. This process usually uses rubber or foam material with an adhesive to fill all the gaps. To know if your windows need weatherstripping, wait for a windy day to feel for any air coming into your home. You could also light a match then blow it out to see if the smoke moves in any directions. If your windows are older, previous weatherstripping done may have eroded away. If your windows do not need replacing just yet, weatherstripping is a quicker, cheaper option. Now let’s look at some of the benefits weatherstripping offers.

Warmer Home

Weatherstripping keeps the cold out and your warm air inside, therefore your heater doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your house nice and toasty. This also helps you save energy and saves you money on your electric bill. If the cold air comes in and the warm air leaves, your heater has to work harder to keep it at those warmer temperatures. When you weatherstrip, your home becomes more sustainable and cheaper to maintain. When Markey LLC installs windows, we take it upon ourselves to see the weatherstripping process fully seen out. Some contractors can cut the process short so you have to weatherstrip it more in the future, but we want to get this right the first time. We want everyone to stay happy and warm.

Helps in the Summer

Not only will weatherstripping keep you warm in the winter, it will also keep you cool in the summer. Just as your heating system needs to work harder the more gaps in your home, your cooling system will also have to work harder in the summer. None of us enjoy those humid, 90 degree days, nor do we enjoy the air conditioning bills. Weatherstripping your house now will pay off for every season as you will again, save energy and money. Keep everyone in the house satisfied, including your wallet.

Save on Windows

If you don’t need a new window just yet, weatherstripping will help you save a lot of money. Whether you do it yourself or bring in a professional, weatherstripping is a much cheaper alternative to purchasing a new set of windows. If you notice drafts in your home, try a good coat of weatherstripping to feel a huge difference.

Do It Yourself

Weatherstripping is a very simple job. Depending on how drafty your house is, you could complete the project within a few days. You could purchase tapes, magnets, felt strips, or v-strips to fill in your gaps, depending on your preference, and seal up the gaps surrounding your windows both on the interior and exterior of your house. To weatherstrip your window, first clean the sashes and bottom of your window then let them dry. You will need to measure the sides of your window, and cut the strips of your choosing accordingly. Remove each sash one at a time and then place weatherstripping on each side of the window. For the best results, you may want to consult a professional, especially for more complex windows.

Markey LLC wants you to have weatherproofed South Brunswick replacement windows. Weatherstripping is an important part of the window installation process that we do not take lightly. We make sure this process is done well to keep your home energy efficient for the good of the environment, your wallet, and your comfort.

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